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'Saol Ella' - Drama series for Young People selected by TG4 from the Drama Development Scheme


TG4 have selected the drama series for young people, ‘Saol Ella’ by Danú Media, written by Gemma Breathnach and Ailbhe Nic Giolla Bhríghde, for the next round of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s (BAI) Sound and Vision fund.
TG4 announced the Development Scheme for Young People’s Drama in 2019, in order to develop a series which encompasses solid drama and storytelling, visual imagination and high values.   The Development Scheme for Young People’s Drama is funded by TG4, the WRAP fund, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) and Screen Ireland in order to develop an Irish language drama series which is aimed at young people and families.  If produced, the series will have a budget of up to €1.2 million.
The series which has been selected tells the story of Ella, a young girl from the Gaeltacht whose life is turned upside down when her father decides to keep Gaeilgeoirí (Irish language students).    Where once there was order there is now chaos.   Not only does Ella have to deal with the new upheaval at home, her arch nemesis Saorla has a job next door helping the bean an tí extraordinaire, Máirín.  Ella is a thirteen year old girl whose heart’s desire for the summer is to find a boyfriend and have her first kiss. An easy enough challenge according to her friends, Treasa and Naoise, given that Máirín’s house next door is full of boys, courtesy of the local Irish College in Maigh Rua.
Siobhán Ní Bhrádaigh, TG4’s Young People’s Editor siad: “This is the first drama project aimed at primary school and early teen viewers since the production of ‘Aifric’. We hope to provide viewers with a polished and engaging drama for 2021”.


Media Contact:
Deirdre Ní Choistín, Bainisteoir Cumarsáide / Communications Manager TG4 | | 086 1453527

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